Panasonic Lumix S 24-70 f/2.8 Hands-On Review

Richard Wong:

In this review, we will have a look at the Panasonic Lumix S 24-70 f/2.8 lens’s design, operation, autofocus performance, image quality (sharpness, bokeh, distortion, CA, flare..etc) and whether it is suitable for video use.

Lumix S1H gets raw file support from Adobe and demonstrates amazing DR

Damien Demolder tested the S1H Raw files edited with Adobe:

Images in which highlight detail is lost in JPEG files look completely different once the raw files are opened and worked on, and information is easily drawn back into the normal tonal range from the brightest and darkest areas of the frame. Landscape images in particular show excellent detail in skies and in deep shadow from pictures taken in contrasty conditions. Pictures taken in less contrasty light also allow a much greater degree of flexibility when manipulations are required.

New Panasonic S1-S1R tests

Panasonic S1 AF Firmware & V-Log Tests / Does It Now Beat Sony?

Panasonic S1 vs Sony a7 III: Which is the Best Camera for Video? (Wolfcrow).
Is Panasonic Feeling the Heat in the Full Frame Mirrorless Race? (ThePhoBlographer).
LUMIX S1R + LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F4 OIS (
Plenty of L-rumors readers images on our L-mount Facebook Group.

Panasonic S1R at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Calumet DE, ParkCameras, Jessops.
Panasonic S1 at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Calumet DE, ParkCameras, Jessops.
Panasonic S1H at Amazon, BHphoto. Adorama. FocusCamera. Park UK.
Panasonic 24-70mm f/2.8 S lens at Amazon, BHphoto. Adorama. FocusCamera. Park UK.
Panasonic 50mm f/1.4 S at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Calumet DE, ParkCameras, Jessops.
Panasonic 24-105mm f/4.0 S at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Calumet DE, ParkCameras, Jessops.
Panasonic 70-200mm f/4.0 S at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Calumet DE, ParkCameras, Jessops.


Panasonic S1H Anamorphic Setup on IBC2019

Victor Bart:

In this video we talk with Lumix Ambassador Daimon Xanthopoulos about the S1H. We discuss the versatility of the system and how Daimon uses the system to be creative. I really like the S1H as a tool. And in 2020 Panasonic + Atomos will come with Prores RAW workflow

Panasonic S1H: When Perfect Meets Unreasonable :)

If you don’t know him…please take it with a sane dose of humorism 🙂

Camera Conspiracies:

Is the Panasonic S1H the new perfect camera? It’s closer than any camera to date, but that comes with a lot of side effects. In order to actually make a full frame stabilized sensor with flippy screen and the video features we wanted, the size and cost of the camera is astronomical. Let’s talk about the 3 flaws of the best camera this world has ever known.

Glimpse into the future: Panasonic 8K Organic Sensor Camera Prototype

Personal View writes:

Interview with Takashi Ishii from Panasonic, who is closely related to new revolutionary sensor development. Panasonic aim this to be first commercially available camera with organic sensor that will be made available around Tokyo 2020 games start time. Not only camera won’t need ND filters, but will also implement some of new processing techniques and may be also will use new SDI coaxial connectors in the final version. Camera presented at IBC used 4x 12G SDI connectors and special recorder with 4 separate drives. It is interesting of presently it process and store each of 4K separately, as in such case it will require cheap and afforable part already present in 4K Panasonic cameras and recorders.