SIGMA fp LOG Picture Profile and RAW Output Recording via HDMI Coming Next Year
During Inter BEE 2019, we had a chance to talk with SIGMA about their upcoming firmware update for the fp camera. Nice to see that LOG Picture Profile and RAW Output via HDMI are coming!
Panasonic S-Pro 70-200mm f/2.8 vs S-Pro 70-200mm f/4 | Sample Photos
Darryl Carey:
The most requested test from my first impressions video on the Panasonic S-Pro 70-200mm f/2.8 was sharpness and testing it against the S-Pro 70-200mm f/4.
I have uploaded photos and videos taken with both lenses including the 1.4 and 2.0 teleconverters to the dropbox link below.Dropbox folder:…
Massive Panasonic S1-S1R-S1H tutorial videos posted by Panasonic Australia
You can now spend all weekend checking out all those tutorial videos posted by Panasonic Australia 🙂
L-mount news roundup…
Panasonic S1H: Skintones, 6K vs 4K, 10 Bit 50p internal, Picture Profiles …
The Panasonic Lumix S1R and Lumix S Pro 50mm f1.4 meet the DeLorean (Josh Bellingham)
Ted Forbes: DSLR is DEAD? (MirrorlessRumors).
SIGMA fp Review – First Impression, Sample Footage and Lab Test Results (Cinema5D).
Plenty of L-rumors readers images on our L-mount Facebook Group.