(L5) The new Panasonic L-mount Cine Lumix camera will be slightly bigger than the S1-S1R cameras!
One of our sources told us the new Lumix L-mount Cine Camera will be slightly bigger than the S1-S1R cameras. The main reason for this is that the camera needs space for the heat dissipation!
In summary what we know so far:
Panasonic Cine Lumix will be announced on May 31
It’s L-mount
New Full Frame sensors
Cinematography dream gear
It’s built like a tank.
Slightly bigger than the S1-S1R for better heat dissipation
Stay tuned!
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And if you have rumors to share send me a messagge at lrumorscameras@gmail.com
This is the official Panasonic teaser for the Cine Camera announcement on May 31
Panasonic is teasing the launch of the new Cine Lumix camera! They don’t mention this but we know from our sources that this is the new FF L-mount Cine camera 🙂
And here is the press invitation from CineGear:
In summary what we know so far:
Panasonic Cine Lumix will be announced on May 31
It’s L-mount
New Full Frame sensors
Cinematography dream gear
It’s built like a tank.
Join our Panasonic S Facebook group
And if you have rumors to share send me a messagge at lrumorscameras@gmail.com
(L5) Panasonic will definitely announce a new L-mount Cine Camera on May 31 !!!
I can now confirm that Panasonic will announce a new L-mount camera on May 31. A highly reliable source told me this:
It’s L-mount
New Full Frame sensor
And so much more…
Cinematography dream gear.
A second source told me:
It’s built like a tank.
This is exciting! What else do you hope this camera will have?
Join our Panasonic S Facebook group
And if you have rumors to share send me a messagge at lrumorscameras@gmail.com
Stay tuned! Next hot Cine Lumix rumor to be posted at 12:00 London time!
this is exciting 🙂
Join our Panasonic S Facebook group
And if you have rumors to share send me a messagge at lrumorscameras@gmail.com
(L5) Panasonic will have announce a new Cine LUMIX camera on May 31. Is it the new Panasonic S1S?
On May 31 Panasonic will have a very BIG product announcement. It’s said to be about a new “LUMIX” cine gear. I have no details yet if this is a new GH6 or S1S video oriented camera. But for sure it’s going to be something exciting and not a small announcement!
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Sigma says they might do APS-C L-mount cameras too…
Lenstip had a short chat with Sigma CEO Yamaki. He made it clear that Sigma might do APS-C L-mount cameras too. And he doesn’t rule out the possibility to use “regular” Bayer sensors on future cameras. But of course their first FF camera will be Foveon and be launched in 2020.