The Raven Studio: My Top 5 L – Mount Lenses for the Lumix S Series
The Raven Studio:
I’ve had the Lumix S1 since the day it came out. These are the lenses I’ve acquired since that day, These are the best for what I do. If you have any recommendations or questions let’s start a conversation, leave a comment.
Panasonic published these new S1H audio turorials
Panasonic publsihed a ton of videos explaining how you can work with audio on the S1H
Sigma FP Long Term Review: The Japanese Leica
When we did our first video on the Sigma FP three months ago, we thought it was a camera with a lot of character and we stand by it. With the addition of some new accessories, let’s see how it has improved, three months on.
10 small features PROs will LOVE in the S1H
The DP Journey:
In this episode I’ll share with you 10 small features you will love about the Panasonic S1H. I’ll show you how those features will make a HUGE difference on set… and how they made this camera stand out from all other popular cameras out there like the BlackMagic Pocket cinema camera 6K and 4k, the A7III and the GH5.
Lumix Comparison: Lumix S1 vs S1R vs S1H
Precision Camera writes:
The Lumix S1 line is a super powerful family of cameras each with their own unique strengths. We took all 3 of them out to answer the question of “Which one will fit my needs?”
Panasonic LUMIX S1 Cinema Rig Build
Glen Reed:
Panasonic LUMIX S1 Cinema Rig Build. You guys asked for it and after making a few changes to my rig here it is – my Panasonic Lumix S1 cinema rig. It still needs a few things but let me know what you think and don’t forget to like and subscribe! 🙂