Sirui will soon launch their first Full Frame 50mm t/2.9 anamorphic lens for 1,199USD on Indiegogo

On October the 12th, SIRUI launch the 50mm T2.9 1.6x Full-Frame Anamorphic Lens on Indiegogo. It is the First Full-Frame Anamorphic Lens from SIRUI with squeeze factor-2.8:1 CinemaScope Aspect Ratio.

Key specs:

👉Wider than Wide features a 1.6 times squeeze factor
👉Immersive Experience – 2.8:1 CinemaScope Aspect Ratio
👉Match Perfectly with Full frame Cameras for RF, L, E, Z mount
👉Beautiful Oval Bokeh
👉Vibrant Lens Flares
👉A Maximum Aperture of T2.9
👉Solid Build Quality

Chinese company Higizmos made this new 60mm anamorphic L-mount lens

The Chinese company Higizmos company released a new full-frame anamorphic cinema lens called “Great Jo”. It’s a low-cost 60mm 1.33x anamorphic lens priced at US$749. It’s made of 13 elements and 10 groups optical structure​​​​. No idea if this thing will be sold outside China too. The images show the E-mount version but there will be a L-mount version too.


Sigma launches the 60th anniversary special page

Happy anniversary to a really great company! And they included this message:

Message from
Kazuto Yamaki, CEO of SIGMA

On September 9, 2021, SIGMA celebrates its 60th anniversary.
Michihiro Yamaki originally founded the company in 1961 to save a group of cooperating companies that found themselves in peril following the bankruptcy of their supplier, and I believe that no one would have imagined at the time that the company would still exist 60 years later.

In these six decades, SIGMA has braved many difficult situations in our industry, from technological revolutions to challenging economic conditions. At times, we even found ourselves on the cusp of a serious crisis. In such situations, Michihiro Yamaki would think back to the time of the company’s founding and utter a remark that could have seemed pessimistic: “I never thought this company, which I founded on request, would even exist this long.” But the company managed to pull through and recover, and now I, having inherited the business from my father, find myself thinking about these same words, though for different reasons.

We could only stay in business for 60 years and follow our passion of creating brilliant cameras and lenses thanks to the generous support of a great number of people.
First and foremost, I would like to thank our customers for their invaluable support and their high expectations towards us and our products. Sometimes the encouragement may come in the form of stern words, but it is always an opportunity for me and the company to reflect and improve ourselves. Thank you for everything.
We are also very grateful for the unfailing support of our dealers, suppliers and all other business partners. We have surely caused you trouble on more than one occasion, and I know that our company has only come this far thanks to your patience and your perseverance. For this, you have my sincere gratitude.
Furthermore, we are deeply indebted to the communities in which we and our affiliated companies are located, for their warm support and their understanding. We do not take this for granted.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the senior staff – whether retired or still active – who have shaped our company into what it is today. SIGMA only exists because of your hard work. I promise that we will continue to build upon what you have created.

As we embrace the 60th anniversary of our founding, we look back and remember all the kindness and support we were shown during these six decades. Looking forward, we will continue to dedicate ourselves to grow and develop SIGMA into a company that is ready to take on the challenges of a new era, while staying true to the philosophies and ideas that have guided us on our way so far. We hope that you will accompany us on our future journeys.

With heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made this 60th anniversary possible,

Kazuto Yamaki