Sigma patented thee new L-mount primes: 12mm f/2.8, 14mm f/2.0 and 14mm f/2.8

Hi Lows Note spotted a new Sigma patent describing three new Full Frame lenses designed for mirrorless system cameras (designed for L-mount and Sony E-mount):

Design 1
Focal length: 12.40 mm
F number: 2.93
Angle of view: 122.09
Image height: 21.63 mm
Lens length: 138.00 mm
Back focus: 20.6500 mm
JPA 502129022_i_000004.jpg

Design 2
Focal length: 14.48 mm
F number: 2.07
Angle of view: 114.25
Image height: 21.63 mm
Lens length: 136.00 mm
Back focus: 20.5832 mm
JPA 502129022_i_000009.jpg

Design 3
Focal length: 14.48 mm
F number: 2.91
Angle of view: 114.26
Image height: 21.63 mm
Lens length: 120.00 mm
Back focus: 20.4000 mm
JPA 502129022_i_000014.jpg


Nikkei doesn’t see a bright future for the camera industry: “Olympus exit foreshadows a Japan camera sector shake-up”

Nikkei is picturing a dark future for the camera makers:

With the market shrinking at such speed, companies are at great risk of falling into a fixed-costs crisis. Some analysts believe the entire industry will collapse unless companies undertake major reforms, like splitting design and development from manufacturing, and consolidating production.
The impact of Olympus’ decision to quit the camera business and discard 84 years’ worth of experience, may spread.

Interesting they do NOT mention Sony or Fuji being at risk: The brand names they make are Nikon, Canon, Pentax…

Did Panasonic Make a Mistake Going Full Frame?

Camera Conspiracies:

I want to discuss whether or not Panasonic made a mistake by going full frame. Dividing your attention in two different directions never leads to us getting better cameras. Micro four thirds releases have been lackluster to say the least, and Panasonic with their stubborn contrast detect autofocus isn’t turning any heads in full frame when there are much better cameras available. Was it a mistake for them to try to ask for a piece of the full frame pie when there is already so much competition?

L-mount news roundup…

Panasonic LUMIX S1H and Laowa 24mm lens – Good Match for Macro Filming

Plenty of L-rumors readers images on our L-mount Facebook Group
Panasonic LUMIX S1H: ISO Performance and Exposure Recovery Test (LensProToGo).
Laowa 14mm f/4 FF RL Zero-D (Photozone).
Flash Modes Explained (Explora).


Here’s a high ISO 25,600 test shot at f2 on the Lumix S5, in vlog, without any post noise reduction.
The S5 reproduces colour accurately and copes well in low light.