Panasonic S1H: Why This Camera Is Important and What We Need to Know

The Panasonic S1H has been announced but there is still a lot I want to know including:
– Will the 6K/5.9K be 10-bit 4:2:2? What crop factors will be applied if any?
– Will the HDMI output have any special features?
– Will be see RAW video internally or over HDMI?
– Why is the a vent/fan?
– Will we see something more than 6K?
– Does the S1H have in body stabilization (IBIS)?
– Will the S1H actually be $4000 at launch?

Panasonic Lumix vs Sigma ART 50mm f/1.4 review – L Mount

Richard Wong:

In this review, I’ll compare the two 50mm f/1.4 lenses for L-Mount cameras: Panasonic Lumix 50mm f/1.4 and Sigma ART 50mm f/1.4. Which is the better lens? I’ll talk about and compare the build quality, autofocus performance, image quality (Sharpness, bokeh, flare, distortion, CA, vignetting..etc), special features of these two lenses in this video.

DPReview TV: Panasonic DFD vs. Canon Dual Pixel Autofocus


Panasonic’s proprietary DFD (Depth from Defocus) autofocus system has both its critics and its fans, but Chris and Jordan think the system might have gotten a bad rap. In this episode they compare DFD to Canon’s Dual-Pixel autofocus system. Might the results surprise you?