Tomorrow Sigma might reveal some details about the new L-mount Foveon camera?

ThisTanaka hinted that tomorrow Sigma might unveil some new details about their 60 Megapixel Full Frame L-mount Foveon camera. Here is his message (google translated):

Sigma is planning to announce a new product soon, but it seems that it is not the only lens. I would like to announce the development of a new camera for the example “L Mount Alliance”. If so, is it faster than originally planned? It’s a pleasure.

What we know so far about the Foveon camera is:

– It uses a 20 Megapixel Full frame and three layer sensor (20×3 is 60MP)
– Scheduled to be on market by 2020
– Developed by Sigma and TSI
– L-mount (of course)

Here is the real image of the new sensor:

Panasonic says they will go 8K by 2022

Question: When will we get the first 8K Panasonic camera? Answer: By 2022!

Nikkan reports (google translated text):

Panasonic is the prospect of the 2022 year, which will be held the Beijing Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic, and ultra-high-definition 8K video, and for the business consumer for a digital camera with a slow-motion playback function of the high-definition 4K (consumer) throw into. Digital cameras are popular for smartphones in consumer applications, and for Chinese manufacturers such as surveillance cameras …

via Digicameinfo