Sigma interview: We will continue to develop unique lenses that other companies cannot imitate

Sigma President Kazuto Yamaki has been interviewed by PHILEWEB. The interview is in Japanese and here is the google translated text from the summary made by Digicameinfo. Kazuto says:

By this time last year, I was prepared to halve the sales compared to the previous year, but in reality, I was a little relieved without falling that much.
Even after the corona converges, online activities should be firmly established and expanded as one solid flow, and new activities will be carried out with a strong awareness of how to promote the appeal of products and how to enjoy photography through online. I’m starting.

Since the camera body is miniaturized by mirrorless, the lens must of course be the size that matches the body. Moreover, as the number of pixels increases, of course, quality is not compromised.
In advancing the mirrorless exclusive design, the first thing we worked on was improving the resolution. Know-how will be accumulated by continuing to pursue it, and after a certain stage, there will be room to make it compact at the same time. Furthermore, it is not enough to just make it compact, but it will be possible to pay attention to the finish of the photograph, such as how to suppress axial chromatic aberration and coma.

F1.8 to 2 class compact single focus lenses are generally made of plastic, and the cheap impression cannot be wiped out. I can’t find anything that meets the needs of a compact product with a good texture. The “I series” meets such needs. The operability and texture that cannot be achieved by mass production are points that cannot be imitated anywhere else.
In the I series, the original schedule was overturned in various places, and in order to create a solid structure to give a texture, parts that are not always necessary are added, which costs a lot of extra. .. I think that this kind of “selfishness” is one of the strengths of an unlisted company.

(About the big boom as a fp webcam) I was really surprised because I thought that no one really thought about using a camera that costs more than 200,000 yen as a webcam. Of course, the traditions of the past are important, but I would like to actively take on the challenge of more free-thinking video devices for the next generation.
Sigma will take on new challenges because it will not be a match even if it stands on the same ground as a major manufacturer. Nowadays, there are professionals who shoot music videos and short movies with smartphones such as iPhones, so manufacturers who think that cameras should be like this become obsolete.

I dare to put out something that major manufacturers can never put out. Even if you take some risk, put it out with something different. That is what our company is essentially required to do. In the end, I believe that it will contribute to the revitalization of the industry in no small measure.
We will continue to develop unique lenses that cannot be imitated by other companies. I want you to look forward to Sigma in the future.

(L2) First rumored Panasonic S1H II specs: 8k24p and built-in ND

I got a first rumored specs about the future Panasonic S1H II:

  • 34mp full frame sensor
  • 14+ stops Dynamic Range
  • Built-in eND (up to 8 stops)
  • 6.5 stops IBIS
  • V-Log included
  • Brand new DFD AF
  • 8K 24p 4:2:0 10-bit 600M
  • 6K 60p 4:2:2 10-bit 200M (cropped)
  • 6K 24p / 30p 4:2:2 10-bit 400M
  • C4K 60p 4:2:2 10-bit 400M
  • C4K 120p 4:2:2 10-bit 400M
  • 4K 180p 4:2:0 10-bit 200M
  • FHD 240p 4:2:2 10-bit 100M
  • FHD 300p 4:2:0 8-bit 50M
  • Note: recording in C4K will downsampled from 5.6K resolution.
  • Note: the built-in eND technology is similar to Z-Cam’s eND module add-on for the Z-Cam E2 6F, 6S and 8F. The transition from from stop to another won’t be smooth like the ones found in both the Sony FX9 and FX6.
  • A bit bulkier than the original S1H due to both improved built-in IBIS and eND.

Schedule of Ver.3.00 firmware update for the SIGMA fp

Press text:

We would like to outline the details of firmware update Ver.3.00 for the world’s smallest and lightest※ full-frame mirrorless camera, the SIGMA fp.
※ As of May 2021, by SIGMA
Updating the camera’s firmware to Ver.3.00 adds various functions such as new “Color Modes” (Powder Blue, Duotone), compatibility with the SIGMA ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER EVF-11 and the ability to save/load camera settings using QR codes. The development of this firmware is at its final stage, and we are planning to make it available to download from Thursday June 3, 2021.
We are also preparing a firmware update for the SIGMA ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER EVF-11, which will be made available on June 3.

SIGMA fp firmware Ver.3.00
Available : Thursday June 3, 2021

Key benefits of the update
・It becomes compatible with the SIGMA ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER EVF-11.
・It adds new color modes “Powder Blue” and “Duotone”.
・It enables users to save and load camera settings using QR codes.
・It adds the “Quick Focus Frame Shift” function.
・It increases the number of functions that can be assigned to Custom Buttons.
・It enhances the “Flicker Control” function.
・It improves AF operation to achieve better stability.
・It improves the image quality of JPEG files.
・It adds the “Custom Frame” option to Frame Guide.

[Contact] For further information, please contact your local authorized SIGMA Service Station listed n the link below:

We appreciate your continued support for SIGMA products.

Darren Miles: Does SIZE Matter?!? Sensor Size Shootout! – M43 vs APS-C vs Full Frame vs. Medium Format

Darren write:

I always wanted to compare the same subject at the same field of view on multiple camera systems – well, I finally did it and I’m sharing with you. Does the size of the sensor matter? Or is the right camera in the skilled hands of a creative professional more important? I think you already know the answer, but the image quality results surprised me.