Leaked image of the new Panasonic Lumix S1rII grip!

The Lumix S1rII will also have a new vertical grip. Here is a leaked image of the grip on the S1rII:

Lumix S1rII preorder links:
will open soon on those pages at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, WexUK, Fotoerhardt.


Use these affiliate links to BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, WexUK, Fotoerhardt to buy your gear. Those are affiliated links and I earn a small commission without having to pay a single cent more! This helps me to cover server costs and for me to buy the new S1rII 🙂

Sigma announces the BF camera carved from a single block of aluminium!

300-600mm at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FotoErhardt. Fotokoch. WexUK.
16-300mm at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FotoErhardt. Fotokoch. WexUK.
Sigma BF L-mount camera at BHphotoAmazon. Adorama. FotoErhardt. Fotokoch. WexUK.

I think you should take a close look at the new Sigma BF camera (here at BHphoto). The main reason is that it has a radically minimalist design, which I personally really like! Here is some important information:

  • carved from a single block of aluminum
  • minimalist controls
  • 230 GB of internal memory (there is no SD card slot)
  • No EVF, no SD slot, no HDmi, no IBIS and NO to a lot of things you usually have on a camera!
  • Sigma BF Stands for ‘Beautiful Foolishness’

From a technical perspective, this really is a ‘boring’ camera, but the novelty here is the radical new design and user interface.

Here you can see images of the Aluminum block used to carve out the new BF camera:

The I lens series has been redesigned to match the new BF camera style:


Hands-on images with the new BF

And here a size comparison with the older FP model:


300-600mm at BHphoto.
16-300mm at BHphoto.
Sigma BF L-mount camera at BHphoto.

Full press release on Explora

images via DC.watch


This is how you can support my L-mount rumor work!

The rumor mill around the Lumix S1rII has got me all worked up as it comes just as I’m moving into a new flat. If you want to help me do my job better, there are two ways to do it:


Use these affiliate links to BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, WexUK, Fotoerhardt to buy your gear. Those are affiliated links and I earn a small commission without having to pay a single cent more! This helps me to cover server costs and for me to buy the new S1rII 🙂
Also reorder the new Sigma gear using those links:
300-600mm at BHphoto.
16-300mm at BHphoto.
Sigma BF L-mount camera at BHphoto.


If you happen to know more about this new Lumix announcement this contact box, Signal or contact me via lrumorscameras@gmail.com. Thanks!

P:S: Join our Facebook community and follow my Facebook page

POLL: Will you be preordering the Panasonic Lumix S1rII?

I sense a lot of excitement in this community and want to get a sense of how many of you will actually pre-order the Lumix S1rII.

Will you preorder the Lumix S1rII ?

View Results

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Feel free to explain your choice in the comment system!

Use these affiliate links to BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, WexUK, Fotoerhardt to buy your gear. Those are affiliated links and I earn a small commission without having to pay a single cent more! This helps me to cover server costs and for me to buy the new S1rII 🙂
And thanks for using my links to preorder the Lumix S1rII on Feb 25 at 2pm London time 😉

New Lumix S1rII specs: Dual native ISO, 1/8000 shutter and mid March shipment start

Here are some additional Lumix S1rII specs that I haven’t posted before:

  • 44,3/45,9 megapixel CMOS full frame sensor without lowpass filter
  • H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC, Apple ProRes, Apple ProRes RAW; MP4: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1, 65:24, 2:1
  • SRGB, AdobeRGB / 14 stops (V-Log) (Dynamic Range Expansion (Log) ON)/13 stops (V-Log) (Dynamic Range Expansion (L max. 8.144 x 5.424 pixel, High Res.: 16.288 x 10.848 Pixel
    [8.1K] 8128×4288, [8K] 7680×4320, [6.4K] 6432×4288, [5.9K] 5888×3312, [5.8K] 5760×3040, [C4K] 4096×2160, [4K] 3840×2 [FHD] 1920×1080
    Type autofocus Phase Hybrid AF (779 AF-area)
  • 1/8.000 shutter speed in electronic shutter modus
  • NEW: Photo Style “Cinelike A2
  • All-intra: C4K/4K/3.3K 800Mbps (USB-SSD), 600Mbps, 400Mbps; FHD 200Mbps
  • Apple ProRes: 5.8K/C4K/3.3K (USB-SSD); FHD
  • Ships in mid March

UPDATE: More specs:

  • MOV:
    FULL 8.1K 17:9 30p / 25p / 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL 8K 16:9 30p / 25p/ 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL 6.4K 3:2 30p / 25p 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL 5.9K 16:9 60p / 50p / 48p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps; 30p / 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 200Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL 5.8K 17:9 60p / 50p / 48p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps; 30p / 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 200Mbps and 120p / 100p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL C4K 17:9 60p / 50p / 48p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:2 10-bit & 4:2:0 8- & 10-bit 100-200 Mbps and 120p / 100p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL 4K 16:9 60p / 50p / 48p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:2 10-bit & 4:2:0 8-bit 100-200 Mbps and 120р / 60p / 50p / 48p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:2 10-bit & 4:2:08- & 10-bit 100-200 Mbps
  • MP4:
    FULL 8K 16:9 30p / 25p / 24p, 4:2:0 10-bit 300Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL 4K 16:9 60p / 50p / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:0 8- & 10-bit 72-100 Mbps
    FULL & PIXEL/PIXEL FHD 16:9 60р / 50р / 30p / 25p / 24p 4:2:08- & 10-bit 24-28 Mbps

Lumix S1rII preorder links:
will open soon on those pages at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, WexUK, Fotoerhardt.

Reminder: If you happen to know more about this new Lumix announcement this contact box, SIGNAL, or contact me via lrumorscameras@gmail.com. Thanks!